New Class Timetable and Arrival of New Bootcamp Kit
To celebrate the relaunch of in person outdoor group training on March 29th, we are excited to announce a new class timetable. Now taking bookings! See our special offer with 3 FREE sessions….
A limited timetable will run from 29th March – 12th April (when our indoor PT will resume). Full timetable will commence from the week commencing 12th April.
HIIT Cardio Class
Interval based class using only low impact CV kit (ski erg, Bike, rowers, battleropes, tank/prowler, inertia bands). NO strength training exercises
Interval based class using both strength exercises, kettlebells, dumbells, barbells, and above HIIT CV kit
Metafit PWR & Core
MetaPWR is a metabolic resistance workout, combining bodyweight and weighted compound exercises with little rest to maximize calorie burn and increase the metabolic rate during and after the workout. This workout is followed by a core strength building programme.
Buggy-HIIT Bootcamp
Interval based class for parent and baby (in buggy at all times), using only low impact CV kit (ski erg, Bike, rowers, battleropes, tank/prowler, inertia bands). NO strength training exercises
Youth Bootcamp time TBC
Interval based class utilising strength training, and HIIT cardiovascular training, core strength, and pilates for under 18’s
COVID-19 Safety in Classes
- All group classes are outside at our outdoor training facility in Eridge Park
- All clients & trainers wash/sanitise hands on entry/exit to the training area
- 2m social distancing implemented
- Clients and trainers own water and water bottle
- Please all trainers and clients leave bags and coats in the car
- Weights/handle touch points will be sanitised between each client use
- Trainers are completing regular cleaning of all touch points and surfaces before and after each session.
- Music – is required to be at a volume that we do not need to raise our voices
- We remind you not to touch your face
- We remind you not to attend your training session if you are on a quarantine, display any of the symptoms of corona virus (see link, or if you are in any of the extremely vulnerable conditions (see link here )
March Special Offer : Buy 2 bootcamp packages (£200) and receive 3 x FREE sessions! Limited availability, contact us to book your place.