Motivate your winter training mojo!
One of the major reasons for hiring a personal trainer is to motivate you to succeed… So here we have our top five tips to keep you ticking along in your training this winter. After all, another great motivator aside from the summer swimsuits, is surely the sexy Christmas outfits to outshine your work friends at the staff party!
1. A pat on the back.
2 Set a fixed goal.
Review this regularly with your trainer. We test all our clients at least once a month if not once a week on body fat, measurements, and the dreaded progress photo. Look at your biosignature report, and set yourself a specific goal for the restest (for example, an extra two readings off your love handle score). When you feel like staying at home in the warm rather then letting loose on the gym floor, remind yourself of this goal, and imagine how it will feel when you achieve this. Depending what motivates you, as people are different, perhaps remind yourself of how it will feel not to make this goal.
3 Don’t fixate on the big picture.
‘Look at the big picture’ is a commonly used when diet and exercise, everyone wants to take a healthy view to training. To an extent I do agree with this, we are not here to dedicate our whole existence to training… life is for living after all. However, if you are in the early stages of training and transforming your body, I would encourage you not to look at the big picture. It is very common for those looking for a new physique to fixate on the end results, and impatience causes them to give up. So many times I am tell clients how great they are looking, and the evident changes in both their physique and training progress. Trust your trainer as a truthful and objective source as feedback on your progress. For yourself, take each step week by week, and please do not beat yourself up if your diet slips, or training slips for a week or two for whatever reason. Get back up on the horse, pull yourself together, and keep fighting for the goal you claim to want so badly.