How we did it
Jonny Ouellette started training with IPT Fitness just over a year ago already with a great knowledge of fitness and nutrition. I will always remember on Jonnys’ consultation form his stated goal to achieve a physique that reflected the work and graft he puts in… Jonny, I think you can now safely say you have achieved your goal! Jonny has remarkably transformed from a ‘skinny-fat’ gym goer, to an athletic strength training advocate. However this wasn’t achieved without work… Jonny wins the prize of perfectionist when it comes to nutrition making him a delight to work with! Regarding training, Jonny completed 1 weekly personal training session with Mase, a weekly bootcamp session, but it was really Jonny’s ongoing dedication in following his prescribed independent training programme (and trust in performing full range squats!) that has so visibly transformed his physique.
Baseline | Now |
89.6kgs weight | 85kgs weight |
16.1% body fat* | 9.5% body fat* |
75.2kg lean mass | 77kg lean mass |
*12 site skinfold caliper testing
Here is what Jonny had to say about training with IPT Fitness:
“Before training with IPT I had been working out on my own for over 15 years and I considered myself quite knowledgeable about fitness and nutrition. I had even worked with other trainers in places like Boston and Los Angeles.
No matter how dedicated and disciplined I was, however, I could never manage to get the results I wanted. I’ve always been one of those skinny guys who can never put on any muscle. There were so many times that I would “bulk up” and put on a decent amount of weight but I would gain about as much fat as muscle. Then I’d try to cut the fat while keeping the muscle and I’d just end up skinny once again. Before giving it a go with IPT, all the “bulking” and “cutting” attempts had simply left me somewhere in the middle; a skinny guy with a high body fat percentage!
Then my wife started training at IPT and was quickly seeing good results so I decided to give it a try as well.
With Aimee managing my nutrition and Mase pushing me in the gym, I soon realized that I didn’t know that much after all! I immediately started seeing progress both in the mirror and in my performance in the gym. My body fat was dropping, my strength was improving and I really felt that I had finally found what I needed.
The diet and exercise program was tailored to my own body type and personal goals and they constantly monitored my progress and adjusted/changed my program as needed. At some points Aimee was testing my body fat once per week just to make sure it was going the right way and this is something I think is especially unique in a trainer. They always maintained a friendly and fun experience for both myself and my wife and continue to do so to this day.
I really can’t say enough good things about the folks at IPT Fitness. Their knowledge and commitment to their clients far surpasses any other gym or training facility I’ve experienced. Simply put, if you do what they tell you, you’ll get the results you want.”