Client Testimonial
William Ford
Before I met Aimee, I thought I was working quite hard – as gaining some muscle and staying fit were my goals I spent my time at the gym running and using machine weights. But it wasn’t until Aimee took me on as a client that I realised how much further I could push myself.
I should have known, really. On our first session, Aimee did warn me that a few people struggled at the beginning of the training. Thankfully though, the pace was set just right and without being impossible, Aimee made sure I was pushing myself to the limit. Each time we met, the weights would get slightly heavier and new exercises would be introduced; so much so that I made more progress in three months’ training with Aimee than I did in a year by myself.
To keep me going in between our meetings, Aimee also devised a week-by-week programme for me to stick to. It built on the new exercises I’d learned, and gave me more confidence to do them alone. This meant that when I came back to training with Aimee a week later, I was already able to take on more weight and learn new exercises.
Not only did I improve during this time but I also gained the confidence to go into the free weights area alone, something I’d lacked before. I found Aimee to be extremely encouraging, helpful and patient. And importantly, Aimee is always so approachable and friendly that it’s impossible to be intimidated. Overall I’d highly recommend Aimee as a personal trainer.”