Client Testimonial
Jenny Stove
I chose Aimee as my PT as I knew that I needed to step up my exercise programme particularly if I wanted to stay fit for competitive badminton, and also try to prevent middle-aged spread! I’ve always played sport, tennis and badminton, but am not very strong in my core or upper body.
I weighed about 63 kg when I first saw Aimee and have lost about 2 kg since then and also feel a lot more toned and have converted fat to muscle! I’ve had some lovely feedback from people who’ve noticed a positive change in my shape! I’ve also noticed a real improvement in my court speed in both tennis and badminton which is fantastic.
I appreciate the work Aimee has done with me and had a good understanding about what I should be focussing on and offer encouragement when we run into each other! It’s important to have a PT that you feel comfortable with as it can be quite intimidating starting new exercises and Aimee has been great.”