Client Testimonial
Rachel Montague-Ebbs
I embarked on a 10 week personal training programme with Aimee and really threw myself into it. But without Aimee\’s positivity, fun but tough approach I doubt I would have got the results I did, she is a star!
Every week I really felt I was achieving something. Being a tiny thing anyway I didn’t think I could slim down, tone up, and get stronger and leaner. But I did! In 10 weeks I lost 4% body fat.
My goals during this ten week focus on my fitness was to up my running game;
To reduce my running times for 5k and 10km’s and maybe get that elusive PB.
To tone up my arms, stomach and legs
To get that running mojo back so I can get pounding the streets
To be stronger
and I really feel I have achieved this. Aimee shows you that it’s not just about pumping iron in the gym or going for long runs. It’s about nutrition, focus, key exercises and strength.
I’ve been doing strength training I never thought I would do but I’ve loved every minute of it. The prowler? No problem, 16kg Kettle Bells? Yes please. The great thing about having Aimee as a personal trainer is the push you get, you can do those two extra crunches, lift 3 more kilos or run that extra sprint session. It’s all about mind over matter and sometimes you just need a bit of encouragement. Pushed beyond where I think I need to stop she motivates me to keep control, learn techniques and be a better athlete in the making.
After 10 weeks with Aimee I lost 2.5kg of body fat. I also cut 1.3 inches from my hips, half an inch from my waist and 1.1 inches from my belly button. Good stuff! I feel great and I can’t wait to continue training with Aimee and achieving great results.
Thanks to Aimee for all her support and the laughter along the way.”