IPT Fitness articles

client performing bulgarian split squat for personal trainer

New Class Timetable at IPT Fitness


Prowler Training

New bootcamp gym equipment arrival

New Class Timetable and Kit

Charity Bootcamp

Charity Bootcamp raises $350AUD towards a research PHD into gastric cancer

Personal fitness supplements

Summer Diet and Training

With the recent glorious sunshine and now summer is just around the corner, thoughts are turning to the dreaded ‘beach body’.

Are you beach ready?!

If the answer is no ā€¦. Have you ever thought about hiring professional help from a personal trainer to get yourself on track?Ā  After all, you wouldnā€™t service your car by yourself would youā€¦.

IPT Fitness, as a results based personal training company in Tunbridge Wells , we will help you achieve your goals through targeted fat loss specific nutrition advice and workouts, and most important we will test the effectiveness of our training and nutrition via our stage of the art Fit3D body scanner.

We use resistance training as a primary tool to burn fat and shape and tone your body.

For a free consultation with one of our expert personal trainers contact us on info@iptfitness.co.uk

Weights Tunbridge Wells

IPT Fitness Fat Loss Workout

Tough Mudder

IPT Fitness Charity Major Series

Christmas gift vouchers for fitness

Christmas gift ideas

Christmas Gift vouchers are now available from IPT Fitness

First aid for babies

First aid for babies

IPT Fitness recently hosted a first aid for babies course at our gym in Tunbridge Wells, Kent. The course was run by Bruce Jenner of Loch Training

Bright and tight bootcamp

Bright and tight bootcamp

Thanks to everyone involved in the BRIGHT AND TIGHT bootcamp last Saturday. IPT Fitness regulars ā€˜sweat it outā€™ in style to resident DJ, raising over Ā£300 in an hour for the Vanuatu Cyclone Pam appeal.

Nutri multi-vitamin tablets

Why take a multi-vitamin

We specifically recommend NUTRI multi vitamins, which are high quality, natural, and bioavailable. These men/womenā€™s multivitamins are particularly fantastic as their formula uses targeted plant-based phytochemicals to suit gender specific health and hormonal needs.

Cathrine Herrem-Smith Osteopath and personal trainer

March motivation part two

Statistics show that the most common things to give up for lent are chocolate, swearing and alcohol. But this year, why not give up the excuses you keep making about getting your aches and pains sorted? If for the last 3 weeks youā€™ve been telling yourself that ā€œit will be better in the morningā€, yet the aches are going nowhere, then this is the time to get it sorted!
Giving up candy and fast food for lent is a valid sacrifice, but would you not benefit more from being pain free?

Personal fitness supplements

March motivation part one

We are well into the swing of 2015 nowā€¦ How are you getting on with your new years resolutions? You might be falling into the category of ā€˜off with a bangā€™: Your routine of diet and training is well underway, and are now enjoying the results. However, you might unfortunately be in the other category of ā€˜grinding to a haltā€™. Are you struggling to get into your routine?

Tom and Mase on body composition course

How we analyse body composition

Over the course of a weekend in early February, myself and Mase took IPT on tour to enhance our knowledge and skill set by attending a Level 1 ISAK Kinanthropometry course held at St Maryā€™s University Twickenham. In a nutshell, the analysis of body composition. In addition to the standard body fat percentage result, the course gave us new tools to provide a greater depth of information relating to clients body composition.

Mase Leuluniu

Rugby Modelling shoot

Mase on latest modelling adventure for the iStockphoto.

Mens multi-vitamin pills

Six essentials for strength, vitality, wellness and body composition

Here at IPT we are proud to motivate our clients to be disciplined in the kitchen and graft hard in the gym in order to achieve their desired physique. However, particularly in the UK it is near to impossible to get all the nutrients and minerals required for optimal health and performance. Here are some useful pointers on why we view the following nutrients essential for your strength, vitality, wellness, and body composition goals.

Cathrine Herrem-Smith Osteopath and personal trainer

Osteopathy and resistance training

Osteopathy is a non-invasive manual therapy that focuses on treating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework. This framework includes treatment of joints, bones, muscles and spine.
There is a common misconception that resistance training may cause the body harm due to increased loading to the musculoskeletal system, which in turn makes people with existing problems turn away from weight training all together.

Christmas dinner table with food

Dealing with the Christmas Binge

At IPT Fitness we pride ourselves in creating a disciplined, results focused training environment, whilst still respecting our clients life outside of the gym. Over Christmas it is important to take a hard earned rest and some relaxing time with friends and family. However, with such progress made this year here are some tips on how to keep on the strict and narrow whilst still enjoying yourself this Christmas.

Protein rich meal of meat

Proteinā€¦ Are you getting your daily hit?

The power of proteinā€™ for a lean physique is widely recommended by sports nutritionists and personal trainers. Some doctors and nutritionalists suggest rather minimal daily reccommended targets for protein, however left undisputed is the value of protein for health, repair, immunity, and of course leanness.

Rugby fitness video

IPT Fitness Modelling – O2 Priority Video

Mase Leuluniu stars in Rugby Union commercial for O2 priority rugby tickets with the England rugby team

Winter exercise

Motivate your winter training mojo!

Being the first UK winter working as a full time personal trainer in Tunbridge Wells, it is impossible not to notice the quieter gym, subdued attitude, and grey skies outside from the gym floor dampening the usual booming training ethic. The sure sign of winter hit this week, with my huge white snow boots making not one, but two appearances this weekend. It is only weeks into the winter, and with numerous months to go, how do we rekindle the training excitement we saw in the hot summer days?

Rugby fitness video starring Mase

IPT Fitness Modelling – Rugby League Promotional Video

Check out IPT’s very own Mase Leuluniu in this Rugby League promotional video…

Mase Leuluniu cropped

Ten reasons why you are not proud to show off your body

Aimee Stevens, personal trainer at IPT Fitness in Tunbridge Wells, Kent gives her top ten reasons why clients fail to attain their desired physique. 1.YOU DO NOT HAVE A GOAL. When embarking on a change in your physique, it is important to set a clear measureable goal. How can you achieve your goal when you do not know what it is?

Alex Aramakutu client transformation

Client success story: Interview of Alex Aramakutu

Interview with client Alex Aramakutu. Alex was my first client in New Zealand 2.5 years ago and from the start showed the talent, dedication, and love for the gym to take her to this level. She recently competed in her first NABBA figure competition in Wellington, NZ. She looked fantastic on the day and was a delight to work with. Eyes on you-serious respect earned here Alex well done, and well done to the supportive family also!