Online personal training

Online Personal Training

Are you seeking results such as fat loss or muscle gain but unable to get to a gym or commit to personal training due to time or financial restraints?

Then our distance training option ‘IPT Online’ could be a perfect choice for you.

‘IPT Online’ is suitable for gym goers who are currently working out in a commercial gym or a home gym and seek guidance they can trust from expert personal trainers on which programme is suitable for their needs.

In an industry where it is possible qualify as a personal trainer in as little as 6 weeks with no experience, we urge you to be cautious who you trust with your exercise programming.

Inappropriate programming could at best fail to get your results, and at worst leave you with muscle imbalances and injuries. IPT Fitness personal trainers have over a decade of experience working with one on one personal training clients across 3 continents, and are qualified to both Bachelors and Masters degree level from top ‘red brick’ UK universities.

IPT Online would be a good choice for you if…

  1. You are currently working out and are motivated, but are failing to see results. You need guidance on which exercises, sets, reps, and rest periods are appropriate to your goal.  You may also need assistance on how to break up your training days
  2. You are seeking accountability from an external source.  We all at times struggle with the discipline to train, but how would you feel if you knew your IPT online trainer could see from your exercise calendar if you missed your workouts?!
  3. You are unable to commit to in person training at this current time due to budget or time restraints. ‘IPT Online’ is popular with parents of young children, who need to complete workouts with home gym kit (which we advise on) after their children have gone to bed.
  4.  You have been doing the same gym routine for months, perhaps even years.  Often clients we see have been doing the same gym programme, same rep range (usually 3 sets of 10-12!), same exercises, for a long period of time and then wonder why they are seeing no changes in their physique!  In training, you need to take your body through ‘training cycles’. For example, a strength phase with lower reps, hypertrophy phase with medium rep ranges, and endurance reps with high rep ranges.  Then there are variables such as joint angles, tempo, movement planes, strength curve, etc,  which all need to be manipulated programme to programme… We are experts in devising a programme to keep you progressing. Change – or remain the same!
female weight training

So how does it work?

IPT Fitness online consists of a review session (zoom or in person) and programme/nutrition update once every 6 weeks.  We have broken down the programme cost (£60 for per 6 week programme) into even monthly payments of £43.33.  This fee includes enrolment to our training software including App, and a downloadable nutrition document.

IPT Online is non obligation, no hidden tie ins, and you can cancel with one months notice with no questions asked.

Book bootCAMP

Step one : Data collection

We have several surveys and questionnaires to gather information we require in order to start training you.  If you have a body composition goal, you have the option to upload your baseline measurements and progress photographs.  If you are completing your review in person, all testing will be completed via the Fit3D body scanner.

Step two : The Training

We will complete and in person or zoom training session once every 6 weeks.  Your programme will then be individually prescribed for the rest of the 6 weeks for you to complete independently, taking you through progressing training phases.  The delivery of the programme is via a handy app. Each planned workout can be accessed through the website/app, and it is also emailed to you beforehand.  The app logs all your exercise history, so you can see the improvements in strength for yourself.

Special Offer

If you are local to Tunbridge Wells you are welcome to access Fit3D body scan for FREE each month!

If you would like to contact us about any aspects of personal training please call us on 01892 888 696 or click here

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